Maa Bhagwati Niketan School

A community with high expectation and high academic achievement.

Welcome to Maa Bhagwati Niketan

Not alone in studies, but also in expression of thought, behaviour and physical activities. Hence, our aim is at the development of child’s personality in all directions. To develop various attributes in our children, we have integrated games, debates, dramatics and many other activities in our curriculum. We feel the most important quality in child that should be developed in public school is good behaviour. A well behaved child reflects his good up bringing at home as wellas his good grooming by his teacher in school.

When a child leaves his school and goes out in the world, he should know how to represent himself in Public. He should beable to leave behind all his inhibitions and be a confident aspect of good public school education if he is constantly guided by his teachers and parents.

Discipline is the most important aspect of a good public school education if we are able to produce well adjusted, well manned & well groomed men and women, we can call ourselves successful. Such is the dream of the management and every teachers of Maa Bhagwati Niketan to groom the children who will bring pride & joy to his school, to their parents, to society and to the nation.

A Building With Four Walls And Tomorrow Inside.